Name: David Jackson
Location: West Lafayette, IN
Original Hometown: Kokomo, IN
Professional Career: Speech-Language Pathologist
Favorite Running Shoe: Brooks – Glycerin
Favorite Race Distance: Marathon
Favorite Personal Record (PR): Indy Mini – 1:28 with top 500 finish
Favorite Food: Chinese
Favorite Singer/Band: Boston
Favorite Book or Movie: Twilight Zone
Q: Can you give us a little background on your running history? What got you first involved in the sport?
Started out to lose weight in 1995. Originally lifted weights 2 hours/day. Got strong but not big despite eating 5000 calories/day. Switched over to triathlons but was not a good swimmer. Connected with the WRRC in 1997 to improve my running. Ran my first Indy Mini just under two hours wearing a cotton shirt…learned my lesson! Ran the Indianapolis 1/2 marathon at Ft Ben as my first and only long run for my first marathon at Columbus and finished in 3:35! Coincidentally, I met up with Brad Pape around mile 14 – we were both hurting. We only knew each other from Tae Kwon Do since we were taking lessons with our kids at the same time!
Q: What are your top memories from your competitive career?
My best memories are road trips to nearby races(Indy Mini, Wild Wilderness at Kennekuk, IL, Sprint Triathlons at Eagle Creek [poured sweat out of my running shoes after one particularly hot and humid race] AND long hauls to marathons with 5 or more people from the WRRC – Fargo, ND, Tupelo, MS, Houston, Phoenix, Grandfather Mountain, Presque Isle, St George, Huntingtion, VA, Marine Corps,…
Q: Who has had the most influence on your athletic career?
Well, first of all – I would not have been able to run all of these marathons without the support of my wife and family. She and the kids went on several marathons with me! Everyone at the WRRC because of the support and advice during our speed, tempo and long runs and camaraderie on all of our roadtrips. Dave Charters for getting me to Boston. We ran many marathons trying to get me qualified. He always did but I always choked! He was there to train with me through lots of injuries, aches and pains for numerous runs and bike rides, Brad Pape for long run support early on in my career (5:10 am starts in the dark, freezing and below freezing runs…), Jay Hodde for getting me hooked on ultra running, Tony Greig for showing me that my seniors can whip my ass at races (Wild Wilderness), Mel Henry (RIP) for being retired but never slowing down (often rode his bike to and from running races and triathlons!!!), Charlie Catalano for pushing me during our long runs (usually turned into competitive sprints at the end), giving moral support, and maintaining our long distance friendship, Brian Finney for traveling with me and making arrangements for many of the distant marathons that we have run together, and Len Chyall, my current partner in crime for keeping me out there running, staying with me on the tough runs when I had to walk, pushing me, and doing crazy stuff with me (Battle of the Brave 10K running with a 25# backpack…well his was 26# and mine was 29# LOL).
Q: What races are you preparing for and what are your goals for those races?
I am always training for a marathon. My current goal is to run a marathon in all 50 states. I’m sitting at 40. I have fought numerous running injuries over the years (three knee surgeries for torn menisci, plantar fascitits several times, strained muscles…). I’m going to HI in December to run a marathon with Brian Finney. He will finish his 50 state quest then.
Q: What are one or two of your favorite workouts that you are looking forward to running this training segment?
Tues – Speedwork I usually run 800s with 1-2 minute walking recovery
Sunday – Long Run with my WRRC buddies!!!
Q: How has the Wabash River Runners Club helped you towards your running goals?
Having so many friends to run with has kept me going. During the difficult times when I did not want to run – a friend was always there, during the difficult recovery times that necessitated slower than usual pace -a friend was always there, and during those times when my regular partners weren’t available – a new friend would be there!
I attribute all of these to running with the club.
I finished in the top 500 at the Indy Mini – PR 1:28
I PR’d at St George UT – 3:18
I qualified for Boston and ran it in 2004!