Name: (David) Adam Downey
Location: Lafayette
Original Hometown: Lafayette (Shadeland/West Point for you other locals)
Professional Career: Environmental Engineer, Water Quality Specialist
Favorite Running Shoe: Recently got the Hoka Carbon X’s and love them so far although I haven’t done serious distance in them yet.
Favorite Race Distance: 13.1; I like the halves because they are long enough you can’t just sprint the whole way, you have to pace yourself, but you can also recover from them whereas a marathon just tears me up for a few weeks
Favorite Personal Record (PR): Marine Corps Marathon 2018, 3:55:42
Favorite Food: All the food.
Favorite Singer/Band: Man this is a hard one too… I like a lot of stuff and it just depends on my mood… I just went from Beastie Boys to Led Zeppelin while typing this and it wouldn’t surprise me if Katy Perry came up next… whatevs
Favorite Book or Movie: Did I mention I have a problem with the term “favorite?” How about favorite Running Book: “Born to Run” and favorite Running Movie: “Run, Fat Boy, Run”
Q: Can you give us a little background on your running history? What got you first involved in the sport?
In high school I played soccer, was on the swim team, and I grew up in the boonies so I cycled by necessity… if it wasn’t a sprint I really didn’t have an interest. 18-years later I was in awful shape; something snapped inside and I quit smoking cold-turkey and tried to get my health back on track. I had run a few 5Ks and eventually signed up for the Indy Mini and joined Tri-N-Run’s training program; in 2016 I completed the Mini, the Purdue half, and a 5K or other random fun run just about every single weekend for most of the year… I was hooked… and I’ve never felt better physically or mentally.
Q: What are your top memories from your competitive career?
One reason I love running is I only really compete against myself… I’ll chase whoever is just in front of me in a race but it isn’t about beating them, it’s about pushing myself, and I love that.
Q: Who has had the most influence on your athletic career?
Also a tough question: although in this forum I’m going to have to say Susan Lauro and Chris Mullen. The three of us were Wednesday WRRC regulars and they really taught me a lot about taking it down a notch to keep it fun, pushing through the ruts, and that there are no “bad” runs.
Q: What races are you preparing for and what are your goals for those races?
I am currently preparing for my first 70.3 triathlon (Muncie Ironman 7/13/2019). Tri’s are completely different animals and the training is intense but I think my marathon training has helped mentally which is what really makes or breaks you. After that, I’m already signed up for the Indy Monumental Marathon (I’ve done the half there before but not the full) in November to see if I can beat my MCM PR.
Q: What are one or two of your favorite workouts that you are looking forward to running this training segment?
Swim practice!! 😀 #iSWIM
Q: How has the Wabash River Runners Club helped you towards your running goals?
WRRC is all about runners as people and about making connections. You can come to a WRRC run ready to push yourself to a new limit or to just get your butt off the couch, walk/run and chat with some great people, and enjoy the wonderful trails we are so fortunate to have around here. I think the WRRC is really for everyone and anyone; runners are really the best people when it comes to welcoming anyone and maintaining a positive view on any situation. Even if you are going after a tough goal and enrolled in a more formal training program: you can find someone in the WRRC that can give you additional advice, has been through that injury or done that race, is willing to do a little more than they planned to do if it helps you get your miles in or pushes your pace, and you can find other runners that are only happy to see you succeed and crush your goals whatever those goals are.